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This is the [ Verified Official Blogspot of IRESH ] . I am a child of God and I ♥ KOREA . :))

Monday, 27 June 2011

I loved . ♥

Fall in love with Eiffel Tower after the English Camp I joined last year . 


The global icon of FRANCE . Isn't it looks great ?!  

I really do hope that I can LEAVE ALL BEHIND . AND RUN TO PARIS .

Wait !! Maybe KOREA instead . o_O

Learning .

Korean Characters (Consonant):   [Pronunciation]:
ㄱ  [g]
ㄷ  [d]
ㄴ  [n]
ㄹ  [r / l]
ㅁ  [m]
ㅂ  [b]
ㅅ  [s]
ㅇ  [(no sound) / ng] *
ㅈ  [j / z]
ㅊ  [ch]
ㅍ  [p]
ㅋ  [k]
ㅌ  [t]
ㅎ  [h]
빠  [bb]
ㅉ  [jj / zz]
ㄸ  [dd]
ㄲ  [gg]
ㅆ  [ss]

* When "ㅇ" is at the front, then it has no sound; while "ㅇ" is at the bottom, it is pronouns as "-ng".

Korean Characters (Vowels):  [Pronunciation]:
ㅏ  [a]
ㅑ  [ya]
ㅓ  [eo]
ㅕ  [yeo]
ㅗ  [o / wo]
ㅛ  [yo]
ㅜ  [u / wu]
ㅠ  [yu / yoo]
ㅡ  [eu]
ㅣ  [i]
ㅐ  [ae]
ㅒ  [yae]
ㅔ  [e]
ㅖ  [ye]
ㅚ  [o-i]
ㅟ  [u-i]
ㅢ  [eu-i]
ㅙ  [u-ae]
ㅞ  [u-e]

(P/S: the vowel pronounsation part is kinda difficult to differentiate "ae" and "e". Listen more to the conversation between korean people.)

So, actually korean letters are made up of korean characters (consonant and vowel).

My korean teacher teached us this concept. Imagine a korean letter is a house. In a house, there is a man and a woman.
Imagine that the korean consonant as male; and korean vowels as female.
[e.g: male + female = house/family]
ㄱ + ㅏ = 가
g   +   a  = ga

Tata~! A korean letter is formed!

Let's move on. ^^
After a man and a woman combined together, and formed a family, soon they have a baby. Well, the "baby" is the third korean character to be added.
[e.g: male + female + baby = house/family]
ㄱ + ㅏ + ㄴ = 간
g   +   a  +  n  = gan

A korean letter "간 (gan)" is formed. :>

Then, the family has another new baby. And, the "second baby" is the forth korean character.
[Presume that the both babies can only be male (consonant).]
[e.g: male + female + baby #1 + baby #2 = house/family]
ㄱ + ㅏ + ㄴ + ㅎ = 갆
g   +  a   +  n  +  h  = ganh (the "h" is silent)

The maximum family members in a family is FOUR. So, a korean letter can be made up of maximum four characters.

Moving on... =)

A korean word is made up of one or more korean letter(s).
Word has meaning(s); while letter does not have meaning(s).

If explain this by using English letters and words will be...
           (letters)                   (word)
F + L + O + W + E + R = FLOWER

ALRIGHT! Let's make a word now~ =]

       ㅇ       + ㅏ + ㄴ = 안
(no sound) +  a  +  n  = an

ㄴ +   ㅕ +  ㅇ  = 녕
 n  +  yeo +  ng  = nyeong

ㅎ + ㅏ = 하
 h  +   a  = ha

ㅅ + ㅔ = 세
 s  +  e   =  se

       ㅇ       + ㅛ = 요
(no sound) + yo =  yo

If they are combined together, then they will form a word... "안녕하세요 (an-nyeong-ha-se-yo)".
Which means... "Hi/Hello". ^~^

Well, at this point, you will be able to read out korean letters.

Try this:
1. 감사합니다.
2. 화이팅.
3. 사랑해요.

 HEHE .. I know it's just too long .. But don't freak out ..

 - Which is your favourite colour ? -


i'M Iresh !  

- i'M having a great day today -

My Footsteps